Each month throughout the year Hume Tennis and Community Centre host junior tennis tournaments for all levels of young players and at a recent July tournament – there was a first………
MyFirstTournament (MFT) for the newer players (red, orange, green and yellow levels) and Junior Development Series Tournaments (JDS) for more experienced players (u/9, u/11, u/13,/, u/15). The goal of the tournaments is to introduce young players to tournament play and get them ready for higher level of tournaments and competitions.

Jin competed against able body players, pictured with Feyza Kabuz – with the only difference being, wheelchair players can have two bounces

Jin Woodman in action hitting his favourite shot
There was a first at the July MFT, Jin Woodman was the first ever wheelchair tennis competitor. Jin competed in the Orange Level (u/10) and not only did he perform well and play against able body children – he won the event!!!!
Jin’s coach, Lawrence Gileno said, ” Jin is such an inspirational person and tennis player, what makes him so special is he does not see himself with a disability but rather with a special ability – he believes (which is true) he can move faster on the court than anyone else!!”

Jin was the winner of the MFT Orange July 2018
Jin first started playing tennis two years ago, at the age of 7yrs. He was one of the first members of Hume Tennis Wheelchair Hub, which is on each Saturday from 1.30pm. Jin’s talent has not gone un-noticed, he has been picked along with another Hume Hub player (Anya Ibarra) by Tennis Australia to attend a National Camp in Canberra later this year. Jin was also the winner of the 1st Dylan Alcott Foundation Award – he received a new custom built sports tennis chair – he will now be even quicker!!!!
Jin’s next goal is to represent Hume Tennis and Community Centre in Junior Competition with the ultimate goal to being an Australian Gold Medalist just like his idols Dylan Alcott and Heath Davidson.
“Jin passion for tennis has grown year on year and he is a regular (with his dad Steve) at the Melbourne Wheelchair Tennis Open, which is also held at Hume Tennis and Community Centre” said centre manager Tim Connelly. “To have the Hub, the tournament and now future tennis stars like Jin, is so great for Hume’s wheelchair program. Jin is such a vibrant and inspirational kid – everybody just loves him around the club.” Connelly said.

Gin Woodman pictured with World Number 1 player Gordon Reed at the Melbourne Wheelchair Tennis Open
Hume Tennis work closely with Tennis Australia and Tennis Victoria to grow tennis in the northern suburbs of Melbourne.
To get involved and to play one of Hume’s Tennis Tournaments please go to https://humetennis.com.au/tournaments/ or to find our more about Hume’s Wheelchair Program – https://humetennis.com.au/wheelchair-tennis-hub/