The fourth MyFirstTournament was played on Saturday May 26th with many new players enjoying their first taste of competitive singles and matchplay.

Zach was the Red ball winner from the May 2018
The goal of MFT is to have children play many singles matches in short time period, using modified tennis equipment. There are four levels: red (under 8 years), orange (under 10 years), green (10+ years) and yellow (12+ years).
As the players grow and their skill improves so does the size of the court, length of the racket and bounce of the ball.
Kale Nairn, Hume Tennis Tournament Director said, “MFT is the perfect way for young players to learn how to play singles. With most jun

Ryan won the Orange ball level
ior associations only having doubles for beginners, MFT means players can play singles just like they see their hero playing on tv. One of the great features of MFT, is the court supervisors who help the players with scoring and understanding the rules of tennis. With the success of Tennis Hot Shots as a learning tool, MFT means players now have a tournament space to compete in. “

Brivini was the winner of the Green level at the May Event
MFT is played once a month with all players receiving a participation gift, with the gift at the May MFT, a new Hume Hot Shots hat. At each of the 10 tournaments players receive points with the winner of each level then playing on-court at the 2019 Australian Open.
Every MFT also includes a family BBQ which gives player’s families a chance to meet each other.

Aryan was the winner of the Yellow Ball Tournament
The next MFT will be played on June 23rd with the Green and Yellow levels starting at 2.00pm and the Red and Orange levels starting at 3.00pm. All events conclude at 5.00pm with a presentation ceremony. If you would like to play the next MFT please feel free to call the office 1300 486 382 0r CLICK HERE to find out more and enter.