Active Holiday Programs – Registration Parents Name* First Last Email* Mobile*Child / Children's Names*Please include their date of birth.School*I am booking for (Please tick)The Active Holiday Program operates 9:30am - 3.30pm. Booking for 5 Days Monday 16 December Tuesday 17 December Wednesday 18 December Thursday 19 December Friday 20 December Monday 6th January Tuesday 7th January Wednesday 8th January Thursday 9th January Friday 10th January Monday 13th January Tuesday 14th January Wednesday 15th January Thursday 16th January Friday 17th January Do you require Before Care at $15 per session starting from 8am?* Yes No Please specify days for Before Care.*Do you require After Care at $20 per session starting from 3.30pm - 6pm?* Yes No Please specify days for After Care.*Does your child have any allergies?* Yes No Please specify allergies*Are you a current member of Hume Tennis?* Yes No Would your child require lunch from the cafe for $10 - includes a selection of:*Hot Dog and Chips, Chicken Nuggets and Chips, Toastie, Noodles (All lunch orders come with slushee/juice) Yes No How did you find out about the Holiday Program?*School PromotionFriendSocial MediaMail ChimpCommunity ActivationOtherPlease specify (other)*