With Victoria in the midst of its second COVID-19 lockdown, and while the first nationwide lockdown did not allow tennis to be played, it has been shown that there has been no known community transmission in any tennis or golf clubs.
This now means that Hume Tennis and Community Centre is open for play, below are six reasons why tennis is a COVID safe sport and a great exercise options for both children and adults:
An enjoyable and effective exercise option
As other exercise options such as gyms and community sports have closed, tennis is an enjoyable and effective exercise option that is open and safe to play. According to the American council of exercise, you can burn up to 816 calories in one hour of singles play.
Tennis is a non-contact sport that means no touching, no tackling, and a social distance of greater than 1.5 metres. Hume Tennis also has a policy of having a one court distance between your court and the next court in use, further ensuring social distancing and no cross over of equipment such as tennis balls. Tennis Australia has promoted these healthy hitting tips such as using your own equipment and maintaining social distancing regulations which Hume has enforced.

Hume staff practicing social distancing
Online booking system
There is no need to walk through the facility or have any interaction through using our online booking system ‘Book a court’. On the Hume Tennis website there is a ‘Book a court’ option where you can select the time and day you would like to play. Upon booking a court, you will receive a personal 4 digit code that gives you access to a side gate where you can enter and exit the facility safely.
Watch video below to see how to book a court in under 2 minutes:
While the lockdown in place has stopped us from seeing our loved ones, tennis is a sport that allows us to catch up with a friend and maintain our social connections. At Hume Tennis, you are able to play with one other member outside of your household, this means you and one of your friends can catch up while getting outdoors and exercising. As well as this, you can also bring more than one other person if they are living at the same household as you. That means two children and two parents are able to play on the same court.
Court hire is a safe and affordable option which allows for one of the essential reasons to leave your house, exercise. Hume Tennis Centre’s pricing is as follows:
1 hour: $25
1 hour of court lights (if playing at night): $10
Hume Tennis is also offering private one on one coaching starting from $33/30 minutes and $66/60 minutes.
Hume Tennis Centre has been audited by an infectious and disease specialist and has been deemed COVID SAFE.
Dr Colin Carbis stated that “This is a very low risk place (for COVID-19 infection) to come and train”
This is due to no touch points as there are automatic doors upon entry and exit of the facility. Along with this there are also temperature checks, automatic hand sanitiser stations and floor markings on the ground to maintain a 1.5 metre distance.
If you are looking for a safe and enjoyable exercise option or require any more information, please contact Hume Tennis and Community Centre.
PH: 1300 486 382
Email: welcome@humetennis.com.au
Website: https://humetennis.com.au/